Camps and Conferences

Stay Close to the Heart of Columbia

Housing offers housing for individuals and groups participating in university-sponsored events, conferences, and camps. When your group stays with us, you’re steps away from campus buildings and a short walk to downtown Columbia.


To get started, submit a reservation request form. For more information, contact the Conference & Sales Manager at 573-884-6500.


If you are hosting a camp or conference that includes participants under the age of 18, read the Protection of Minors policy.


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    Access to a full kitchen in hall, study rooms and TV lounges.

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    Bed linens (i.e, sheets, blanket, pillow) and bath linens (i.e. washcloths and towels), available for an additional fee.

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    Most units include two twin beds, two desks, two closets and a dresser.

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    Wireless access to high-speed Ethernet.